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The Hidden, Rising Cost of Corporate Actions

By DTCC Connection | 5 minute read | May 1, 2024

Every time a company announces dividends, a stock split, a rights offering, a tender offer or other such corporate event, investors have decisions to make – and a brief time to make them.

Related: Automating the Sourcing of Corporate Actions Data

投资者面临的挑战是找到做出明智决策所需的信息, which is often buried in lengthy notification documents. Further, 这些信息在到达投资者之前通常要经过许多中介机构, 每次人工干预将信息传递到通信链中的下一个环节时,都会耗费宝贵的时间,并产生潜在的错误.

A recent report by the ValueExchange 发现46%的企业事件数据在从中央证券存管机构流向托管银行的过程中完全是手工处理的, brokers and fund managers.

此外,企业事件信息作为衍生品等投资vnsr威尼斯城官网登入已变得更加复杂, 特殊目的收购公司(SPACS)和其他结构性工具更为常见. As issuers add new options to corporate events, even a simple dividend announcement can be a complicated, rules-based challenge.

这种复杂性的增加也推高了成本:ValueExchange的同一份报告发现,全球投资者预计,未来三年管理企业活动的成本将上升17%. U.S.-based investors expect an even steeper rise of some 33%. The cost of errors is also expected to push up costs, by an average of some 25% over the same period for elective events in the U.S.

We met Tim Lind, Managing Director of DTCC Data Services, to talk about what investors can do to better to manage this challenge.

TL当前位置企业活动不仅变得越来越频繁,而且也变得越来越复杂. 这两种趋势结合在一起,使管理它们更具挑战性,因为投资者需要阅读, interpret, 并充分了解每个事件的细节,以决定哪种行动将创造最大的回报. But information often arrives late, 是否以不一致的格式呈现,并且评估其全部影响(特别是对于复杂的投资工具)可能会耗费大量时间.

This can create problems as issuers may allow five days to respond. 然而,投资者通常只有一到两天的时间收到信息.

许多此类活动也通过电子邮件或使用其他手动流程进行, so in addition to the cost of manual processing, there is also greater potential for operational risk. 按照惯例,如果出现错误,资产管理公司或托管人会对标的基金进行赔偿, so mistakes can be expensive in this operation.

DC: What’s the root cause of the challenge?
TL: The lack of standardization is the core issue. That, and the complexity of disseminating the information.

In many ways, 公司行为过程在一开始就中断了,下游工作流和协调是一个宏大的应对机制,用于将信息转换为链末端的投资组合经理. Plus, you have teams in legal, compliance, 财务和其他各部门参与创建通知文档, again, often for the first time. 结果往往是一组复杂的术语,人们必须解释这些术语,以便采取符合基金利益的最佳行动. 您可以构建大多数信息,使其成为机器可读的,但对于许多需要做出决策的事件,人类仍然是工作流中不可或缺的一部分.

The original issuer’s information also flows through numerous intermediaries, including market data providers and custodial agents, before it reaches the investor. 这有点像童年的“电话”游戏,信息从一个人传递到另一个人:当信息到达通信链的末端时, it may be inadvertently changed. 持有同一种证券的不同托管人的一个投资者收到同一事件的不同细节并不罕见,因为这些信息通过不同的渠道流向他们. 资产管理器被迫协调同一事件的各种翻译.

DC: Who ends up paying the cost of this inefficient process?
TL当前位置几乎每个参与其中的人都要承担额外的成本和风险. 但最终,在任何投资过程中,为系统性低效买单的都是投资者.

由于供应链上的每个人都继续使用手动流程来完成一些实际上应该自动化的工作,因此会增加后台和其他操作成本, or at least, far more automated than it is now.

这不仅仅是一个后台问题:除了人力参与的巨大且不断上升的成本之外, there is operational risk as errors can be costly. If you miss the deadline for the tender offer, for example, your investor clients may insist you honor the tender price, which is usually a premium to the market. In fact, the ValueExchange report found that 17% of U.S. funds experienced errors that cost them millions of dollars.

TL: Standardization of information is critical, 特别是在中央证券存管机构和证券交易所如何从发行人和代理商那里获取数据方面. To improve operational risk and inefficiency downstream, 我们需要关注上游,关注发行者和投资者之间的整个过程. 我们已经看到其他市场在发行人和市场基础设施之间采用标准化连接,并因此给投资者带来了好处, which include better accuracy, less reconciliation, 并加快了将信息传递到投资者手中的速度.

With Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) and shareholder rights directives, 监管机构和维权人士正专注于提高发行人与股东之间的透明度. 有效的治理——ESG中的“G”——并没有得到那么多的关注,但良好的治理意味着,当涉及到影响其持股的任何事件时,投资者意识到自己的权利和权利. 简化公司行为的传播和提高公司与投资者之间透明度的流程现代化与ESG的基本原则是一致的.

Much has been invested in coping strategies for non-standard, 这是一个支离破碎的过程,但整个行业都在问我们如何解决问题的根本原因. It’s time to focus on improving corporate action processing from end-to-end.

Click here 以获取有关DTCC的企业行动服务如何帮助您提高运营效率并减少处理关键事件时的错误的更多信息.

Tim Lind, Managing Director, Data Services
Tim Lind DTCC Managing Director, Data Services
