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存 Urges Affirmation Focus Ahead of T+1 Move

By WatersTechnology | 5 minute read | 五月 3, 2024

5月28日, 在北美市场上交易的大量证券将被要求在执行后一天进行结算. 存管信托和清算公司(存)敦促所有市场参与者仔细审查他们现有的技术和操作程序, especially those around the affirmation process, in preparation for the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC’s) deadline.

Related: Know your T+1 blind spots

vns6060威尼斯城官网在美国资本市场交易的公司需要做出哪些技术和操作调整,以确保它们遵守SEC即将实施的规定,已经有很多讨论和文章, 这有效地缩短了大量经纪人-交易商执行交易的结算周期, from two days after execution (T+2) to onea day (T+1) or next-day settlement. 自然, every firm has a slightly different approach to ensuring readiness, based on its existing technology stack, 它的整体复杂程度以及IT和运营团队的能力. As the deadline draws nearer, firms across the board continue to assess, 解释, 更新和测试他们的系统,以确保他们在最小的干扰下符合新规定.


SEC最终的T+1规则包括对券商当日确认操作的新要求, to help ensure timely settlement within the compressed time frame. 对经纪自营商的要求是,他们必须采取一定的行动,确保在技术上可行的情况下,所有交易都得到100%的确认, and no later than the end of trade date. 在最近的一份通知中,金融业监管局进一步加强了这一点.

Based on the current T+2 settlement cycle, approximately 75% of trades are affirmed by 9:00pm ET on trade date, according to 存’s latest analysis, dated March 2024. 存继续每月更新行业的肯定进展.

沃顿瓦尔, 存常务董事兼机构贸易处理总经理, 解释说,许多受新规则约束的公司在跨界准备方面取得了很好的进展. “一般, 当我们看到已经发生的整体测试时,大多数(公司)都处于一个良好的位置, not only within the institutional trade processing world, 还包括国家证券结算公司和存托信托公司,他解释道. “在所有的人口统计数据中,我们都有很好的测试覆盖范围——我们从总量和公司处理的总价值的角度来看待它——并且, from an overall readiness perspective, the industry is in a good place. 然而,仍然存在一些肯定效率低下的地方,需要加以解决.”

Already Available

对于证券交易委员会管辖范围内的公司来说,好消息是直接交易后处理的自动化解决方案已经可用了好几年. 它们被很好地理解,并且已经被尝试和测试过——它们只需要被接受和采用. According to Wotton, it is important firms understand the trade affirmation process in the US, 尤其是总部位于欧洲和亚洲的公司,这些公司的流程传统上比北美同行更需要人工. 在美国, affirmation essentially kicks off the 帖子-trade process, and it must happen before trades can progress to settlement at the 直接转矩. During this process, 每一方都同意由经纪自营商发送的交易确认细节.

“Outside of the US, the affirmation process has come to the surface with the move to T+1,他解释道. “Other markets work on a presettlement or pre-matching basis. 整个区块分配过程在全球范围内进行,这是一个非常一致的模式. 那些对确认程序有很好理解的公司做好了充分的准备,并熟悉挑战, 但那些公司——尤其是非美国公司和那些没有全球足迹的投资管理公司——将需要实施变革,以支持美国的确认程序,并实现T+1.”

“From an overall readiness perspective, the industry is in a good place. 然而,仍然存在一些肯定效率低下的地方,需要加以解决.”

Feeling the Pinch

很明显, 在北美市场没有实体存在的中等规模的地区性vnsr威尼斯城官网登入公司, even though they trade across it, 当涉及到自动化和精简他们的肯定过程时,可能会感到手头拮据. The question then, for those IMs and their custodian providers, 他们的方法是什么,以确保他们有正确的程序,以支持有效和准确的肯定?

Wotton sees some challenges that need to be addressed, 尤其是那些与北美资本市场以外的公司的时区不同有关的问题, although he is quick to add they are not insurmountable. “If the block allocation process is performed efficiently, the trade will be affirmed by the custodian. 但, 如果确认程序有问题,保管人需要跟进即时消息, that might only be picked up the following morning due to the time differences,他说. “公司开始明白,交易失败或延迟会增加成本,他们正在关注整体投资回报.”

The Way Forward

整体, 沃顿对该行业目前的状况以及公司需要关注哪些方面以确保在5月底前把自己的房子整理好持谨慎乐观态度:“把你的区块分配正确,这样一切都能解决, 然后,这将使托管人处于确认交易的最佳位置,他建议道。, 他补充说,即时通讯应该尽早咨询他们的托管机构,了解他们的期望、截止日期的流程以及在实践中如何运作.

“This is not solely about testing,他说. “这也是一个事实,交易后的流程可以在今天有效地执行,并确保在5月底我们转移到T+1环境时它们完全到位。.”


This article was originally published to WatersTechnology on April 29, 2024.

沃顿瓦尔 Headshot

存 Managing Director and General Manager, Institutional Trade Processing

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